Other people are on to the same thing and this is just great.
Also, this badness over at Red Box Vancouver. The revised edition costs $10 for the pdf (but remember that's in our Canadian dollars, which are basically wooden nickels), but the 'classic version' is free.
Now to peruse through and try to integrate it all!
Okay folks, it's been a minute. Tonight I am trying to switch over to night shifts for the rest of the week, so I'm up til 7 drawing a new map of Albion, writing up dungeons, and collecting links and ideas for various aspects of the game.
One thing that's been on my mind for a while is a bad-ass "super-mutation" chart. Something that has EVERYTHING, where I'll never run out of new shit to inflict on PCs, and I can also use to whip up freakish Chaos champions, pathetic sorcerous experiments and everything in between. I will also use some of the more innocuous and cosmetic mutations for the elves in my game, who are supposed to look freakish and alien.
So far, I have no such compiled table, but a list of links or references to other people's tables. All I have to do is create a weighted chart that lets me decide which one of them to roll on! I will weight it so the really savage tables are much less common, and so the tables with MORE STUFF are used more often.
-Tiefling appearance table from the 2nd edition Planeswalker's Handbook
-Mutation table from Carcosa
-"Effects of the purple lotus" from Death Frost Doom
-This sweeeeeet table from WWCD? (please I hope to see more of these)
-I think this one's from Warhammer.
This will be added to as I find more links and get more books. I'm not really sure how to format a table in this stupid blogger interface, so w/e bro, the Notepad solution it is.
ROLL d100:
1 - 20% - Tiefling
21 - 28% - Carcosa
29 - 34% - Purple Lotus
35 - 52% - WWCD?
53 - 74% - Warhammer
75 - 91% - Dungeon of Signs
92 - 00% - Scrap Princess
Brought to you by the changing of the seasons and the unconquerable sun: