Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Ladies and gentlemen, Fight On! magazine is BACK!!!

After almost 15 years, the premiere zine of the Old School Renaissance has returned in force. 

Go get it HERE (Print or PDF) on Lulu!

[Also: has Blogger gotten even worse? I think so. Fuck off Google.]

Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Quick Note

Still kicking! I just ran 2 games this weekend. The online crew has some backup characters in the Level 1 Pipeline, they'll need them for what's coming up. They just boarded the Sea Ghost in U1. And my in-person group is about to go into outer space (so that'll be a bucket list gaming moment!!!).

I just wanted to point THIS out and say that everyone should click it, read it, love it, and believe it. Because I say so.


The conversation continues! Other OGs weigh in:

AD&D evangelist Zherbus had this HERE on his blog for a while, I just hadn't read it
JB, terror of comment sections everywhere, posts his thoughts HERE
forum legend Black Vulmea weighs in on his blog HERE

And EOTB follows up his original post with a helpful clarification: "No Roleplaying?!?"

More updates as the story develops!